Sexy Nollywood Actress Ikwumezie Precious Chioma , Talks How to Break into The Movie Industry

Fastest  Rising Nigerian Actress  Ikwumezie Precious Chioma aka Fifi is a face to look out for in the Nigerian Movie and TV industry. In this exclusive interview with ( ) she shares insider details on how to break into the movie industry and also gives us details about her career.

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am a Nigerian actress, I was born on the 2nd of Dec 1995 to a family of 6 (all girls) .I am from Eluama Ibeoma Ekwe, Orlu  in Isu Local Government area of Imo State.
 My educational background varies from Federal Government girls college, Umuahia in Abia State.
 I like to play a lot while I get the job done but everyone that knows me knows that I am very disciplined and strict.

Why do you insist that we write your names in full
Well it is because my name is my identity, it tells who I am and it represents where I am from. I like it when people find it difficult to call my name and I have to teach them. Though some people prefer to cal my nick name

Which is?
Most of my friends call me Fifi.

Why did you decide to have a secret marriage? People say it's because you took another woman's man
Simplicity, I am a quiet person and I do not fancy elaborate wedding/marriage ceremonies.
I never took another woman's husband. My husband was single and searching when we met.

At what point in your life did you decide you wanted to be an actress?
I decided to be an actress when everyone I came across would say I could do it and I thought of trying it. I got an opportunity in 2014 to play a minor role as a nurse and the encouragement and feedback I got made me audition for a role in Onyekwere Akwari's movie, FACE OF LOVE IN 2015 and I got the part, Then I decided to work on my craft and I learnt from that very job, here we are today. Although I  took some time off at certain periods to establish my fashion business in Ghana, Benin Republic, Aba and Logos. Though my marriage also slowed me down abit in acting, but now my kids are a bit grown and I'm back in full.

How were you able to combine being an actress, a mother and a husband?
 I must be sincere, It was too stressful for me due to calls for roles. I actually had to take up jobs to cope with family needs since I am the eldest and my siblings are all in school and my 
parents are not very buoyant. “hurstle to survive, no food for lazy man” lol

How do you get movie roles?
For me it was through auditions and referrals from some directors and producers that I've worked with in the past.

What challenges does an upcoming actor/actress face?
Challenges faced by up and coming talents in the entertainment industry varies but majorly every up and coming actor find it hard to get an opportunity of a leading role in a movie 

because investors and producers fear making their money back since Nigerians hardly want to see a new face they don’t know in movies, so it’s always a challenge for up 
and coming acts to find that major breakout opportunity.

What steps would they take to get their foot in the door?
As a new talent trying to get their foot in the door, they need a lot of hard work, good character, self-discipline, consistency, prayers and humility.

I know filming can be hectic, how long does it take to shoot a movie?
Ideally it takes an average of 25/30days to film a standard cinema craft movie, depending on the logistics and production designing But our budget doesn’t permit us that luxury all the time so we sometimes have to work with producers that film a movie in less than 3weeks

How do you know what directors to work with?
Knowing what director to work with for me sometimes is based on whoever my producer contracts as the director, but I have a bucket list for directors so I mostly consider that when taking scripts.

Is the industry more of a hustle to get roles or do you get scripts sent to you?
The industry is in both ways, you need to go out and audition for parts to get roles until you start getting scripts sent to you, meanwhile sometimes when you get the 

script sent to you, you still would have to audition/read for the part before getting the role.

What is the best way to achieve success in the Nigerian Movie industry?
The best way to achieve success in the Nigeria movie industry is through fervent prayers, patience and hard work.

What movie was the most challenging to film?
I have more than one movie that was a challenge to film and the challenges differ, so I really can’t say which is most challenging right now.

What movie did you have the most fun on set?
So far, I had the most fun on set while filming O'jays Productions' ‘GROWING WINGS’.

What should we be expecting this year?
A lot, this is just the beginning. I am set to rule the game, the best is yet to be seen

Advice for upcoming actors and actresses?
My Advice for up and coming actors is keep believing in yourself open your heart to every possibility, be talented, have a good character, know and work on your craft, 

Always be ready for that opportunity, be very humble and disciplined, know what you want and go for it, get a lawyer (lol) and most importantly Pray for God’s grace.

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