Community Slut - Twelve

 I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything, just shocked as he kissed me deeply, his arm was wrapped round my waist and I was holding his neck...

Just then, he broke the kiss breathing heavily, his eyes fell on mine and I saw it was glistening...

"Now are you convinced???" He sneered at Celine who couldn't hide her anger as she fumed glaring at me...

"F**k you!!" she seethed to no one in particular as she stomped out of our presence...

We both turned to each other and quickly diverted out eyes.  

"I hope you don't take that kiss as know why I kissed you right?" He scoffed

"But the kiss was too intense, it isn't the type for fake girlfriend, it was too real..." I breathed and he stared at me for some minute saying nothing...

"was it really intense?" He asked with an arched brow..

I shrugged and stood up, 

"I'm your fake girlfriend right?" I asked and he nodded slowly...

"So I have the right to look for a boyfriend right...the same way you are looking for a real girlfriend???" I asked and I could see him flinch a little...

"You want to have another boyfriend?" He asked and I arched my brow at his question...

"Another boyfriend???.. I don't have one why did he say another?, you are the fake boyfriend..I need to find a real boyfriend that would really love and care for me..." I smiled and start walking to the class...

      Ryan's POV

I sat there without moving an inch, her word just left me numb and I can't tell the reason...

She wants to find a real boyfriend, there was nothing wrong with that but I don't know why I don't just like the idea...

I had told her that I'm gonna be looking for a real girlfriend as we played as fake one, she just told me she would do the same now and I swear I don't want that to happen...

She was walking back to the class and I couldn't even follow her, ohhh!!!

She is a hot and pretty girl, am sure it won't take her anything to get all the guys craving for her...

What is even wrong with me??..she has every right to find a true lover like I had also said...

Ohh, no!!

I don't want that to happen!!!

But why????

Are you really loving her!!!!!





Hell no!!!..she is a sl*t!!!

I buried my face into my palm as I tried getting the whole issue together...

      Kiara's POV

I got into the class feeling exhausted, I don't know what is really going on, 

I am getting too much feelings for Ryan..I'm really liking him more and more as the day goes by..

The kiss really sent a spark inside me, I could feel that cold chill as we kissed..

I never wanted it to end but it actually ended and what happened next killed my joy...

How can he say the kiss was nothing...was he lying???

If the kiss was nothing then he must be a great actor because I was sure of seeing his eyes filled with passion as we broke the kiss...

I don't know what to think of, can I really love???

I am a sl*t and it has never been heard that a sl* t fell in love...maybe its lust I guess...

" could you take him away from me!!!" I heard the voice of Celine making me feel the urge to spit the truth...

How can I fight for something that isn't mine...

"What sorcerer gave you the charm to enchant him, how could you do it!!..I want him to be mine so I guess you should back off!!!" She flared up and I raised my gaze at her..

"I don't need to back off for you to get him, if he truly loves you..he would leave me for you, keep trying to get his heart.." I laughed in sarcasm making her growl.

"I won't let you go along with him, its either you break up with him or I force you to do it!!" She snorted

"And what if I beat you up for threatening my girlfriend..what even gave you the right to come close to her?????" Ryan seethed as he walked into the class..

"Ryan stop treating me like this, we both know that I'm the best match for you, I'm the most beautiful and richest.." She bragged and flaunted her golds

The two stupid maid flanking her was even bowing...some people can just be foolish...

"You were the most beautiful then but not up to this moment, she beat you in looking enchanting and beautiful" Ryan said with a smile and walked over to me...

He wrapped his arm over my waist and drew me to his body, I felt shudder as my whole body rested on him with his strong cologne filling my nostrils..

"She is the most beautiful now...class what do you have to say..isn't she???" He asked loudly and everyone screamed a yes!!..especially the boys who was even drooling...

He sat me down and held my palm as we waited for teacher to come in ignoring the existence of Celine...

"You would regret this I swear!!" She huffed to me but I gave her no glance 


Finally the school came to end and I packed my books with Ryan helping me in every single thing...

"Don't you think you are doing more than expected??...we are just fake lover and nothing else" I whispered and he shrugged..

"Fake lovers act like real one but they would have in mind that they aren't real.." He breathed..

"Okay..let's go then" I said and he held my hand as we walked away...

You can't tell how many eyes that was all over us as if we were some strange people...

We got into his car and zoomed off...

Just then, something struck my mind

His brothers.....

"Would you tell your brother about all this?" I asked and he shook his head and took a deep breath like there was something troubling him, it seem there was something disturbing him which he couldn't say out...

Finally we got home and I alighted and head into the house with him following behind...

"What???..Karina you went to school??" Dan exclaimed staring at me..

"She went with Ryan?" Rex asked

"Yeah, she went with me..." Ryan replied as he got into the room..

"How possible is that?? Ryan?? did you even take her, are you planing on tasting s*x??" Rex smirked

"Oh, yeah maybe he finally want to f**k a p***y!!" Dan laughed and I could see Ryan's face contort as he left the sitting room heading to his room...

"Hey, had he asked for s*x?" Dan questioned me and I shook my head sideways..

"But I think he is still thinking through...I can't even wait to f**k a virgin d**k.." I chuckled and they all laughed...

"He took you to school why??" Rex asked

"He is trying to get close so he would brace up for the day he would have s*x!" I laughed and they also laughed

"Oh, but we really missed you!" Dan said licking his lips as he came closer..

"Let's go to the room so I can..." I winked and they all rushed to the room while I followed behind not feeling the urge to even have s*x to them...

I wish something would just make it not happen..

We got into the room and I smirked as I slowly pulled off my cloth making their d***k grow harder...

I pressed my b**bs and played with the nipple making them pull off their trouser instantly, their d**k was now pointed to me waiting to thrust in....

I grabbed Rex's d**k stroke it as I moved my mouth into Dan's d**k, they both groaned with their head pushed backward savouring the feeling...

I sucked and stroke their d**k till it was very hard, they pushed me to the bed and widened my legs...

Dan was ready to to f**k my p**y while Rex was already heading to my a***s

Just then, the unexpected happened...

The door opened and Ryan walked in...


He walked to where I lay and grabbed my hand drawing me off from his brothers...

"What are you doing!!!" They both asked together..

"She dared to kill my kitten!!" He growled pulling me out of the room....

"I can't let you have s*x with them..." He whispered to me as we both head to his room..💦💦


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