Community Slut - Episode Ten & Eleven


I can't just stop smiling and glancing at him as he drove me to his school...

It looked so unreal but yet was happening, who would have told me that I would one day go to school again...

I had dropped from school to start up the slút job which gives me money which I need..

Right now, I'm driving to school with this fallen angel who would be seen as my boyfriend, I can't stop gasping in unending joy..

I glanced at him again and this time our eyes met as he too was also glancing at me..

"Why are you stealing glance at me?" He questioned with a smirk and I covered my face..

"Do you know everyone would see you as my boyfriend??" I asked grinning from ear to ear..

"That's what I want!!" He replied and I squeaked

"Really??" I asked with a widened eyes

"I want them to see you as my girlfriend so they wouldn't cluster around me seeking my attention.." He said making me feel giddy..

"That means I'm your girlfriend ...ohh..I can't believe it's all happening!" I squealed shaking my head happily

"To them, you are my girlfriend but to me..." He paused and glanced at me..

"A sl*u right??" I asked sobberly

"Hell no!!..I don't see you as a sl*t..if I do, I'd have fúçked you.." He said and I bursted into a hysterical laughter.  

The way fúçk sounded in his lips was very funny...

"You just said fúçk right?? you know of those words.." I said amidst laughter making him chuckle..

"Who doesn't know how to fúçk?? to say fúçk!" He spluttered and I held my stomach laughing hard..

"Have you ever fúçked a lady??..I thought you can't even say those word!" I squeaked 

"Silly girl..." He muttered with a smile

"Don't you think you would fúçk one day??" I questioned as I got out of my laughter..

"Ugh???.." He arched his brow

" day you would fúçk a woman and experience the pleasure.." I said making him laugh this time..

"And is that woman you??" He said and I got a huge lump on my throat immediately..

I stared at his face then his lips, my eyes went to his trouser and I quickly took my gaze off..

"The day I'll have séx with yo would never leave my memory.." I said smiling widely

"What makes you think it would ever happen..?" He asked

"I has the feeling that some day, you would make me feel you..I'm sure yours would be different from other men are a virgin" I said and he raised his brow at me..

"Stop corrupting my mind you s*x t......." His voice hitched and his eyes went dimmed immediately..

"Did you just called me a séx toy??" I asked in shock and hurt..

He shook his head and held my palm with one of his hand..

"I was pissed off, I'm sorry, I couldn't even complete it.." He purred

"Why??? isn't like you would lie when you say it.." I said and he wagged his head..

"You aren't a séx toy, you are my girlfriend.." He mumbled and my eyes widened..

"What did you say??" I questioned

"I said you'd be my girlfriend..a" His voice stuttered at the last part as he swallowed a lump on his throat..

I took a deep breath and squeezed his palm..

"Thank for taking me to school with you.." I smiled

"Thanks for accepting to be my girlfriend so as to free me from them.."

"Ugh?? jeeps forgetting the "fake" yourself.. " I exclaimed and he scratched his head..

"Oh sorry.." He chuckled

"Sorry??..i love it!!" I squeaked and he laughed 

"So every ladies drools over you there in school?..well..I'm not surprised, you are too hot and stunning" I purred and he stared at me for some seconds

"You don't look bad either" he muttered

"Really??" I grinned and he nodded 

I saw his eyes, he was serious, I'm i pretty??..I don't even know..

Finally, we got to the school which was damn gigantic and awesome, it was really built in a way that the poor wouldn't dare to come near it,

The building alone can make people like me get a heart attack, it was too beautiful to be called just a school..


I don't need a soothsayer to know that the school would cost billions

The gate was was even automated, everywhere looked so shiny and great that I felt fretful to even get in..


No student was on foot, everyone drove in with flashy cars..this must be a school for the rich..

"This is the best school in Korea" Ryan said with a smile while I looked around through the car glass admiring every single part of it...

He drove the car to the car park and halted it...

"The Greek god is here!!!!!!" I suddenly heard a loud scream 

"What???" I arched my brow..

"Yeah that's it...very soon all the ladies would come out to take a shot and admire me with those silly emotions.." He sighed and I turned my gaze outside only to see ladies trouping out with their cameras, they were all rushing like they were going to see an angel..

"Let's go" he muttered and opened the door..

"Omg!!!!!!...he looks more than sexy today..

" jewz!!!..why is his eyes so different!!.. I'm fainting!!" 

'Look at those lips, my greatest wish is to kiss it..aahhaa!!" 

I also stepped down tgat moment and just then all the scream and squeal died down turning into murmuring..

"Who is she??"

"They came in the same car????..she must be her girlfriend..

" oh no!!!..I thought he was single!!! " 

"Ohh, she is even beautiful!!!" 

I smiled and looked at the crowd of ladies and some stupid guys who I guess may be gay..

"Are you his girlfriend????" They all chorused and Ryan walked over to where I stood..

He moved his hand over my back and drew me to his body..


"Her name is kiara and she is my girlfriend so stay off me, she is the jealous type!" He said with a grim and smiled at me, 

my heart was even beating very fast as our body clung each other..

"Talk to them so they wouldn't think I lied!!" He whispered and brushed my cheek..

Oh yes!!!..what is even wrong with me??

"Hello everyone!!" I greeted with a smirk and they all replied with a murmur..

I rolled my eyes and held Ryan's hand tightly..

"What is all this fuss about?? he the most cutest guy in history of man??..even if he is, I don't like you all drooling like he holds your life...he is my lovely boyfriend..stay off him!" I said with a lopsided smile and touched his cheek.

"I said it well right??" I whispered and he nodded before pecking my cheeks leaving me blushing..

We held hand and head to the class with everyone giving way..

I felt like a princess as everyone fed their eyes with my body, his palm was damn soft and really fitted my palm..

Lots of murmuring filled the atmosphere as we got into the class .

"Is she his girlfriend??"

"Yes...he said that earlier..

" he even said she was the jealous type..

"Ohhh..i envy her!!" 

We both sat down and he held my palm 

"Thank you for saving me. You can't tell how I struggles to get into my class, but today because of you, they gave way.." He said and I felt my heart skipped beat..

"But they aren't true..."

"Shhhh..don't say that or you would shatter everything!" He interjected and I giggled

Just then, a teacher walked into the class..

"Wow!!..I see a different person here, is she a student?..why is she on that attire?" The teacher asked

"She came today, she is Ryan's girlfriend!!.." A boy replied before I could even say anything..

"Really???.." She exclaimed peering at I and Ryan who had his gaze straight..

"Are you a student or you came to spend time with him?" She asked

" I would begin later but for now, I need to make him get some breathing space, these girls wants to suffocate my boyfriend!" I said with a short laugh..


I looked around and saw glares from every lady, I guess they are already hating me for having him not knowing that we aren't lovers..just fake!!!


I sat back and he smiled at me..

"You are really smart!" He complimented and my cheek flushed 

After series of lesson, the school bell rang for break,

"Hello Ryan please can we eat together?" A female who looked so rich and classy chipped in eyeing at me..

Seeing how she looked, both the gold she wore on her neck and finger, I got afraid...

I'm sure she must be damn rich and I can't tell who she really is, two female student was flanking her like servants and she had her shoulder high like she owns the school.

"Celine are you insane???"  Ryan seethed and she shrugged..

"I guess she is the one insane, can't she buy a school uniform?" She sneered and I breathed heavily

"Are you saying those words to my girlfriend??" He growled and she scoffed..

"Don't repeat that because its a lie, she doesn't match your class..." She said and I laughed drawing her attention to me..

"When I first saw you, I thought you got some senses, I thought those classy dress and gold on you are worth it less did I knew that you a desperate whore!!..suddenly you know what is class while you are here forcing yourself on disgusting!!" I spited and her jaw dropped

"Hey honey, can we go get some snacks, she can drool forever!" I scorned and held his arm..

His face was filled with smile and that gave me a lot of joy...I'm happy I made him glad..

"Woah!!!..I thought you would act timid!! knew you got the tongue to lash!" He laughed and I smiled staring at his cute face...

"She had being a thorn on my flesh wanting me at all cost, I'm very happy you stood up against her.." He squeaked

"Who is she?" I asked

"The daughter of the major owner of this school.." He replied and I gasped in shock.


"Hey calm your nerve! father also has a share so nothing is happening" he said and I sighed in relief..

"But...." A huge lump held my voice back...

"But what???" He questioned

I sighed deeply and stared at his face again, now I could see the reason all ladies wouldn't stop swooning and fainting in desire..

He is so perfect, so cute, so hot, so sexy, so handsome, so gorgeous and manly..

"But can't we" I paused and shut my eyes..

I want him to be my real boyfriend, I love him so much, I don't know if he loves me.....

"I don't know what feelings and love really are but I think I feels it for you, I know I sounds stupid because I'm a sl*t and a s*x toy..I..I..." His eyes couldn't let me go on..

He can't love me when I am a sl*t..ladies like me doesn't fall in love, s*x is all they cares about...

"I'm a gonna be your fake girlfriend till you finds the right lady for yourself???" I asked slowly and he arched his brow..

"Can you ever fall in love?? isn't possible, you are only lusting okay??" He said and I felt my heart heavy..

Is he right???

"You are lusting over me, that's what ladies like you knows how to can't fall in love so please keep being my girlfriend while I finds the woman for me.." He said and my heart tightened..

I felt shudder ran through my spine...he wants another woman, he doesn't want me!!

I'm just a fake girlfriend...

Oh no!!!

But I know I really love him...

"Kiara!.." He called and I gazed at him with my eyes wet..

"Do you really love me??" He asked

"Ye..s.." I muttered

"Do you also love me??" I asked but he looked away and shook his head


"What is your reply????" I exclaimed and sulked making him giggled before standing up...

"Kiara..for the are my friend, just a friend, it would take me a lot to develop any feeling for you because the fact that you are a s£x toy alone makes me throw up" he shrugged and and stretched out his palm for me to take...

"Let me take you around the school" he smiled and I nodded.

We were done eating so I gulped down the water in the cup before placing my hand on his soft palm sending shrill down my spine..

Everyone in the cafeteria watched us in awe, the girls were really wishing they were me, I could see the desire in their eyes..

They were really drooling for Ryan and it isn't surprising, who wouldn't crave for someone like him, his cuteness can make your brain take a French leave...

He held my palm into his as we both walked around, I couldn't stop gasping at the beauty of the school, 

We got to a garden which had different flowers and was very beautiful...

"Here is the school lovers garden...student who are in love comes here to make their day" he smiled and I looked around..

I could see students in pair expressing love and pulling all sort of love moves..

"I wonder when I'd come here with you as my boyfriend.." I muffled recalling that he doesn't love me..

"What you feels for me isn't love, it can't be love dear.." I muttered..

"Why did you say that??.." 

"Because s*x toys can only lust, there is nothing like love in them, they just needs s*x alone.." He breathed and sat on a bench there..

"What if I say, I don't want to have s£x with you.." 

"Then you are a liar!" He shrugged and I took a deep breath before sitting closely beside him...

"You are my boyfriend right??" I asked and he chuckled

"Do I need to always remind you of the "fake".." He said and I stared at him with a frown.

"Why don't you like s£x??..or..are you a virgin??" I asked and he hiccupped


"Are you a virgin??.." I asked again

He suddenly started laughing...

"Look at your you comb it this morning??" He stupidly asked and I knew he was trying to divert from my question..

"Oh, my hair?? you a virgin??" I asked again and he swallowed hard and smirked

"You must be thinking I'm a virgin right???..hey forget all my acts, I had fúçked over fifty women" he laughed crazily making me gawp at him

"Wow!! you don't mind if i touch your díçk??" I smiled and he cringed..

"What do you mean??" He asked with an arched brow

"You have had s£x with over fifty women so you won't mind making it fifty one.." I smirked and moved my hand to his trouser...

He quickly stood up smiling sheepishly..

"Now you are already lusting" he said and I gasped..


"do you even know I still detest you?..being my fake girlfriend doesn't make you my girlfriend so stop getting me pissed off!!" He growled and i bowed

"Yes my Prince!" 

"Prince???..when did I turned into a Prince..let's leave here, it's for lovers" he stated..

"I don't feel like..." I exhaled and plopped down on the chair...

"Then you can stay there alone, we aren't lovers so its against the rule being here with you" he shrugged and left leaving me saddened..

Did he just left?? he actually serious when he said he still detest me???..

Oh no!!..I feel like crying...

My eyes went wet and I felt some drops fall off freely..its really paining me that he left here without me...

Just then, I felt someone sit closer to me..

"I couldn't leave you for a minute.." I heard Ryan's voice..


I raised my gaze and it fell on him..he was sitting beside me now..

"Are you in tears???" He asked with his eyes widened

I dried my eyes and looked away...

"I'm sorry" he mumbled and wrapped his arm over my body making a wide smile escape my lips...

Kiara..." He called and I turned to him with a smile

Our eyes met and I could see passion in his eyes.. 


"How did you turn out to be a s£x....." I quickly pinned his lips with my finger as I saw Celine coming to our direction

He smiled and held my palm..

"Ryan I need to talk to you!!" The stupid Celine snapped and I gawped at her

"Talk to who????" I sneered and she gave me a dagger glare

"If the person is Ryan, I'm sorry he isn't coming" I smirked and rested my head on his shoulder..

I could see her burn in rage..

"Do you know who I am????" She gritted and I nodded

" are a girl..should I say more??..okay, you are a girl with small brain" I laughed and one of the girl flanking her attempted to charge at me...

She raised her hand up ordering her to stay calm

I couldn't hold my laugh, what was she trying to do?..

Beat me???

I think no one knows how dangerous I am, I may even kill her before knowing I was fighting!

"Ryan..." She called again

"Please stop calling my name...I don't like you, can't you get it?..she is my girlfriend!" He said and I felt my heart flipped...

Why do I just have this feeling that he really wasn't talking about fake one.

Agghhr...I have start thinking stupidly again..

"Ryan, you never told me you had a girlfriend, you never acted like you had...I just feel like you are lying..." She snorted

"Oh, really??..kiara you heard that right??" Ryan said and i chuckled..

"Let's show her.." He said and held my palm raising me up from the seat...


He peered into my eyes and once again I saw that passion, his eyes was glistening 

"Kiara, why would they think we aren't lover?..should I write it all over the walls that I love you? alone is the lady driving me crazy even tho i may not show it all but I swear..." He purred and drew me closer to his body..

At first I thought it was a hug not until his lips came closer..


Before I could think straight... 

He kissed me....

Was it real?????

I think I'm melting!!!!

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